The All India Centre for Urban and Rural Development (AICURD), registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860 was established in 1984 as a National Level Voluntary Organisation for promoting improved quality of human life, human settlements and physical and social environments in India.
To transform the same vision into reality, the AICURD with determination and dedication undertook to:
- Establish Constituent Units in almost all the Districts of the country.
- Encourage voluntary efforts among the people to participate in nation building programmes
- Take up comprehensive developmental programmes encompassing economic, social and ideological aspects of human life.
- Ensure involvement of grassroot level workers in planning, formulation and implementation of programmes.
- Organizes need-based programmes on the suggestions of the concerned Unit’s management.
- Propagate and espouse the cause of national integration and communal harmony to strengthen national unity.
The management of AICURD has been supporting the efforts of the Units in formulation of the projects, obtaining grant-in-aid from the different funding agencies and extending consultative support to them in implementation of programmes, maintenance of records, monitoring and finalisation of reports.
The present Executive Committee consists of activists from various shapes of social life including representative of State/District Units, Institutional Members and reputed social workers to guide and help AICURD in planning, formulation and implementation of projects taking into consideration the need and requirement of the situation.
Aims and Objects
- To undertake innovative and experimental welfare projects in urban and rural areas with the focus on upliftment of disadvantage sections such as Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, women and children, aged, handicapped, infirm, and mentally retarded.
- To undertake Khadi and Village Industries projects, establishedment of emporia and Sanitary Mart, formation of Cooperative Societies and training to its members, housing and resettlement activities for economically or otherwise disadvantaged people in urban and rural areas by way of concept formulation, survey, planning, supervision, production of low-cost and innovate building and sanitary materials, construction, financing, management, research and development and / or training, Rashtriya Mahila Kosh programmes for male and female, information of Thrift and Credit societies etc.
- To raise funds by way of loan, grant, donations, fees etc. For any person(s) the state or central government organisations, companies, semi-government organisations, institutions or otherwise for the purpose of fulfilling the objectives of the Society and to provide funds to such beneficiaries as may be identified by the AICURD.
- To review the functioning of delivery system for development and to suggest ways and means of making these more effective so as to reach the poor urban and rural dwellers.
- To collaborate with extension agencies, Panchayet Raj Institutions, Voluntary Agencies, Industrial and Business Houses, Central and State Governments, UN and International agencies for promotion of urban and rural development.
- To study, evaluate and evolve strategies and projects of urban and rural development.
- To undertake training and research activities in relation to urban and rural development.
- To undertake consultancy services in urban and rural development.
- To serve a nodal agency for national, international, government and non-governmental organisation in India.
- To enter into collaborative/professional activities at the grassroots, and international levels.
- To foster and promote sense of duty, awareness and community participation in relation to urban and rural development.
- To plan, promote, assist, monitor and guide in the implementation of programmes and activities of social and economic nature designed for slum sector.
- To study evaluate, evolve and undertake strategies s and projects of free legal aid and advice to weaker section
- To encourage inculcation of sense of pride in the cultural heritage of India and to work for promotion of national integration and communal harmony in fulfilment of NIC objectives.
- To seek and accept financial assistance from governmental and non governmental agencies, Trusts, Foundations, Business Houses, International Agencies and such other organisations.
- To develop laboratory facilities for preparation of audio-visual aids.